Friday 27 February 2015

Post 27: Absolutely Exhausted with Almost Nothing to Say!

It's been a hard week.  I think that the first week after a break usually is for some reason.  You should be rested, you probably are but somehow either the shock of being back at it or all the things you left to do till after your break come back to haunt you.  So, here I am on Friday evening so tired that I can barely keep my laptop from sliding off my lap.

I haven't missed a day of writing since February started so I couldn't not write tonight but I must admit that till a few minutes ago I had nothing to write about other than to say I'm tired.  Then I read a tweet which suggested that there should be an academy awards for teachers.  It seems to me that there already is something like that in England or was as some point in the recent past.  I won't say that teachers shouldn't be recognised and appreciated for what they do but that should,  in no way, manifest itself as an awards ceremony.

The academy awards are about stars and star wannabes trying to improve their standings and their fame in order to make more money.  It's also about big business making money. (I know I'm being a bit cynical here!)  That isn't what teachers and teaching is about.  Is it fame I'm after?  The answer is obvious.  No!  I learned early on, as a grad student teaching an intro French class for science students at university that I loved teaching, that a got a real buzz from it!  I intended to be an academic but at each turn I came back to teaching teen-agers.  I've never wanted 'fortune and glory', I've only ever wanted successful learners, including myself.  I don't think I'm very different from most of my colleagues.

Yes, I do like being acknowledged for successes but I hope that my successes are the success of others.  None of this needs to be celebrated by an award or a ceremony.  Am I alone in this?  What do you think?

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