Friday, 20 February 2015

Post 20: The one where I don't think I have anything to say!

I've spent the last four days up in Norfolk visiting with my mother.  It hasn't been easy writing about education since I finished school for the half term on February 13th.  I have been reading a number of other people's blogs so that has helped to inspire me on occasion.  Today I read a blog by a New Zealand teacher talking about inspiring students to read.  I have ordered the two books she mentioned and am looking forward to reading them: Book Love: Developing Depth, Stamina, and Passion in Adolescent Readers by Penny Kittle and Reading in the Wild: The Book Whisperer's Keys to Cultivating Lifelong Reading Habits by Donalyn Miller.

The author of the blog talked about how important it was for teachers who wanted to encourage their students to read to read themselves.  I also think that it's important for them to read books written for their students.  Not a lot of them but teachers of English should have a reasonable knowledge of books their students are reading and books that their students would enjoy but might not find themselves.

End of post but tomorrow I'll talk about Battle of the Books and how I'm hoping it will help increase the number of students reading in our middle school.

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