Sunday, 15 February 2015

Post 15: Thank you Notosh!

Yesterday, I talked about finding the post that got me thinking about how to improve my workshop with the grade 11s on their extended essays.  Last night I tried to come up with some titles which might get them thinking and perhaps even wanting to listen to what I had to say.  Somewhere I read a suggestion that I look at the Ted Talk titles and did so.  Here are some of the ones I came up with:

What I know that you should know!

What I know that you don't know, but should!

What I know that you don't know, but should in order to pass your EE!

Want to get a higher EE grade?  Find out what I know that you don't.

None of them are exactly what I want but at least it's a start and I'm sure that I'll come up one by next week.

I've also been going through the first part of my workshop in which I show them what they don't know and then why they need to know it and how knowing it will mean that they will get a better EE result.

Sorry that I haven't more to say at this moment but I will add more later this evening if I manage to work my way through it.  For now, an episode of the The Librarians.  It's really a corny programme but just what I need on a Sunday afternoon at the beginning of the holidays.

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