Sunday, 1 February 2015

Another Beginning

So here I am back again having written very little about the grieving process and I wonder if I ever will.  Instead I have committed myself to getting back to writing again on a consistent basis and so  over the next 28 days I will be writing something and adding it to this blog.  Hopefully, I will have established the habit by the end of the month and will continue on.  Once upon a time, I would write a 1000 or more words a day but alas, no more.  Well, not to this point!  When I had a break before and wanted to get back to writing, around the start of this blog, I decided that I would simply write, about anything that came to mind.  If it were fiction, I wouldn’t plot, though it wasn’t entirely stream of consciousness.  My non-fiction was mostly ramblings about whatever came to mind or was of interest at that moment.  I think I might go the same route again.  We’ll see.

At the moment I am working on summarising the research I’ve been doing for a committee I’m on at work…the Assessment Committee, for want of a better name.  Though I taught in the classroom for many year as a French and drama teacher, I am now back to my first love, the library and so have had very little need to grapple with ins and outs of assessment and assessment data and how to use it.  Much of what is spoken about at our meetings has left me wondering if I am out of my depth and what I could possible add of relevance to our discussions.  In the end I came to the conclusion that I should do what librarians do, and research the topic.  I hope to learn more about the question of using data to improve teaching and learning, find out what is happening elsewhere, and perhaps be able to pass on something of what I have learned to my colleagues.  I hope this doesn’t turn out to be too ambitious a project.

At the same time, I have a number of fiction projects on the go.  It would be good to take the plunge into at least on of them and explore the characters on the page instead of in my head.  I would also like to start pulling together the ‘blog novel’ I started in 2006, back when I was having cancer treatment.  Strangely, chemotherapy led to a very creative period in my life and that year I must have written 100,000 words or more on various projects.  My problem is finishing my fiction projects!

I will eventually have to focus on one of these but I’m not sure which and so I hope that a month of pursuing different threads may help me to decide.  Perhaps, I will go in a totally different direction!  Who knows?  This could be exciting!

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