Friday, 13 February 2015

Post 13: And so the holidays begin!

Sitting in my living room with a glass of wine and the remains of a really nice dinner, I am looking forward to a week off school.  Of course, it's not really a week off work since how often does an educator really take the week off.  I'm going to try and do a lot of reading, especially 2 to 3 of the titles in my Battle of the Books.  I also have a book on skills students need to have before entering university and two murder mysteries, just for fun!

I have a library workshop to do the first Wednesday back after the break for extended essay students and 3 sessions with grade 9 students who are about to start a research project on the First World War. I need to prepare the resources for each of these.  Then there's Red Nose Day coming up 3 weeks after that and I'm the one getting it all organised.  I have to make posters and make sure that all the paperwork for the various activities is ready to go.  So, not much rest for the wicked!

After my rant yesterday, I decided that I should start putting together resources to share at some point with teachers.  Over this break I am going to try and come up with an outline.

And that's it for tonight's blog, as I turn on the TV for a marathon of murder mysteries.

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