Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Day 4: Am I partly to blame?

Well, hours spent in bed last night left me feeling slightly better and like all good teachers, because it is easier than making sub plans, I staggered in to work.  Mistake!  By the afternoon, I needed my bed but I couldn't leave till 3:30!  I won't be in tomorrow.

However, I did say that I would write every day and so, while the paracetamol is working, here I go.

In a previous post, I noted that I got involved with looking at assessment data because I was concerned about the lexile levels of students at my school.  It's  my theory that students' lexile levels are not increasing year on year at a rate that would allow them to read the text they will encounter at the diploma level (grades 11 and 12) and at university.   I have certainly noticed a drop in circulation. This is particularly noticeable between grade 5 (upper primary) and grade 6.

I have theories on why this has happened over the past 5 years but I have been working toward the thought that perhaps I should also be looking closer to home as well.  Is it possible that
the library and I may have played a role in this.  I don't think that we have but I can't not take the possibility into consideration.

Over the last 4 years, I have concentrated much of my thinking time on developing strategies for teaching information literacy.  I have continued to develop my fiction and non-fiction collections but I haven't had as much time to advertise or to encourage recreational reading.  Having said that, I think I'm being a little hard on myself.  During the last school year,  I had many classes in for book talks and developed new types, such as speed dating a book.

(To be continued...)

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