Sunday 1 March 2015

Post 28: An end or a Beginning

I'm sure that many of those who participated in #28daysofwriting will be reflecting on this our last day.  Yes, it was a good experience overall for me.  Yes, some days it was very difficult to write at the end of a long day.  Yes, I sometimes struggled to find a topic to write about.  And most definitely, I sometimes wished I hadn't started.

One of the things I most benefited from over these 28 days was the writings of the other participants. I've read posts by people from all over the world.  I've been inspired by their ideas and put some of them into effect in my own teaching.

The question is what's next?  I have a agreed to go on and write next month as well.  Is this really what I want to do?  This blog was never intended as one where I would write about the education side of my life.  I started it just after I was diagnosed with 3rd stage cancer and my intention was to use it to keep in touch with friends and family so that I didn't have to write individual messages to each of them.  I was also interested in seeing how a blog might work with my French students.  At some later point, I started another blog about the library side of my life but I have never written much in it.

I did want to get back to writing but it was more to the fiction side of my writing.  This has been a good experience on so many levels and I do think that I will continue for the next 28 days but I also think that I will expend most of my energy on my fiction writing but then whoever knows where the muse will take us.

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