Tuesday 3 March 2015

Post 3, Round 2 of #28daysofwriting: Multitasking, yes or no?

Today I decided what should be put on my tombstone (if I ever have one):  She multi-tasked herself to death!  It was one of those days.

I walked into the library thinking that I had the first two periods to play catch up and I was met immediately by people who had problems to solve and classes to book on short notice.  It's evening and I still have to figure out how to share the library laptop booking calendar on google with one of the teachers. No one else seems to have problems with it!  As soon as I had realised that the solution would take a while I promised to try and sort it out later.  Then it was off to the middle school to hand out forms for a joke writing competition.

Back at the library, there was the email from the IB coordinator saying that I had 20 minutes with the grade 11s during period 1 to yell at them about their missed extended essay deadlines!  That meant that as soon as the class who have advisory (homeroom) in the library at 8:30 left, I had to fold up all the tables in the library classroom area and set out 40 chairs for a large group presentation.  Of course the expected 20 minutes turned into 12, which meant that I could only go over a few things in the end and in a way it was a waste of time.

While I was setting up, another teacher came in, thinking that she had booked a class in for that period.  She hadn't but for a moment I hesitated and almost tried to fit her in.  Luckily self preservation took over.  I had intended to spend period 1 cataloguing books in the art department so that went out the window and I'll have to to try and do it tomorrow.  Once the grade 11s had left, I piled up the chairs, put back the tables and put the chairs around them in time for the 1st break influx of students working on projects.

Period 2, I had one of the grade 9 classes in working on a project on World War One.  So, there were questions on citation, how to find sources on particular aspects of the project not covered by the Libguide.  While this class was going on, I sorted out a number of problems which came in by email, and set up Noodletools accounts for students sent in by their teachers.

The middle school librarian at a sister school, emailed and needed help with teaching research skills to a grade 8 class, starting a project on the American Civil War.  She also needed me to create a Libguide for the class tomorrow.  So, after a few emails back and forth, I created the libguide after lunch.

The rest of the day continued in the same vein.  I am organising the Red Nose Day activities so I had a number of printing jobs to do, involved with that, and create a bulletin board outside the library to advertise our Bake-Off!

Why am I giving such a detailed account of part of my day.  Well, it's just to say that I spent the whole day multitasking and I really don't think it was good for me and I wonder how well I did anything.  There is a lot of evidence to indicate that multitasking isn't good for you but I don't need studies to tell me that.  However, how do you get by today, and especially in a busy library where you are the only member of staff, without multitasking?  Answers anyone?

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