Wednesday 4 March 2015

Post 4 of Round 2 #28daysofwriting The one not about education

Just to warn you now, if you are looking for something on education, you may not get it.  This is one of the posts where I go off piste.  Though not really since this blog was never meant just for writing about my professional life.

Today I finally took the plunge and booked my flight to Canada for this summer and so my trip across the USA can start to be planned.  I'm still a bit nervous about crossing the Canadian border at Windsor and on to Detroit in the US.  I discovered that someone I teach with used to live in Detroit.  I asked her how dangerous it would be to go by bus from the border to the Amtrak station and she said, it would be fine as long as I did it in daylight.  I don't know if that makes me feel better or not!

So, I arrive June 27th in Toronto and leave on Monday the 29th.  I'll take the train to Windsor, the tunnel bus across the border, and another bus to the station.  Unless of course, I don't and decide to get a taxi.  Time will tell so watch this space!  Once back on a train in Detroit, it's just a short trip to Ann Arbor, Michigan to visit a former colleague, who now works for the University of Michigan.  I don't know how long I'll stay but I want to visit a friend in Chicago before I travel on to Kansas City, where I hope to be by July 4th.  I love being in the States for July 4th.  It's great.

At some point after that I'll travel on to Reno but whether I go the long way across to the west coast, up to San Francisco and back across the mountain to Reno, or the shorter way, back tracking and picking up the California Zephyr, which goes through Denver and Salt Lake City to Reno, I have no idea.  This is so much fun!  I love planning!

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