Thursday, 14 December 2006

Yes, Moyra, I am teaching again!

Today my head of school discovered that I was back teaching. Only by accident, did she discover this as she passed by window. Luckily, a window and wall separated us, or she might have taken it into her mind to hug me. That would have been more than I could take, more than anyone on chemo should be asked to endure!

More interesting than the above, was an article Emma, my daughter sent me from the BBC web site. If you haven't visited the BBC site, you should. it's an excellent source of so much information. If you are learning a language the site probably has something that will help. Also, there's a wonderful section on food and recipes. That's where I got the Nigella Lawson recipe for brownies.

Back to the article Emma sent. It was about blogs and blogging. I have put a link to it, if you are interested in learning more. My friend Mary Jane is going to lead a tour group to Papua New Guinea in April and is thinking of using a blog to help with the marketing. I'm using blogs with my French classes. There are all sorts of ways to use them. If you are interested in looking at one, try

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