Tuesday, 5 December 2006

First day of the second cycle

I had chemo again today. We left at 7:40 and got to the hospital an hour later. It's so much longer at rush hour. When I got there I had a blood test and they okayed me for treatment. We could have gone off to something for an hour or so but parking is terrible and once you are in a spot you don't want to move.

I was told that I had done very well with my symptoms. However they were concerned about the slight numbness I have been having in my finger tips. If it continue or gets worse they will have to adjust the medication or I could have nerve damage. If you know nothing of chemo treatment, you receive your medication through an IV over a certain period of time. I started with medication which would counter act the negative effects of the chemo drugs, then I had one of the chemo drugs, followed by a saline solution, another chemo drug and a final bag of saline. For me it took 4 and 1/2 hours but it varies from person to person. Lunch today was wonderful, as good as any restaurant. Again I was very tired and I slept for a good deal of the rest of the time.

And now for something completely different! Did you know that you could clean your toilet bowl and unblock your drain with Alka Seltzer. To clean the toilet, drop two into the toilet, wait for 20 minutes, then brush and flush. To unblock the drain, drop three in, followed by 1 cup of vinegar (8oz), leave for a few minutes, and then flush. The things you read in the National Enquirer! I also now know that Ricky Martin is thinking of adopting overseas. Some on you may be saying, "Who is Ricky Martin?" (Those who recently came from Papua New Guinea, perhaps.) Others, 'Who cares!'"

1 comment:

Mary Jane Murray said...

Was wondering how the chemo was going today. Thanks for the update and the info. Didn't realize there is a series of fluids going into your system: anti-side effect drugs, chemo, saline, chemo, saline.

You certainly are expanding your and our world through your reading material. National Enquirer? Yes, it's always good to try new things and keep an pen mind.

Thanks so much for the Alka Seltzer plumbing cleaning tip. Does it give new meaning to, "plop. plop, fizz, fizz"?

As for Rick Martin, actually I do know who he is. We live in a crazy Hispanic world here, some would say it's La Vida Loca. I coubt that anyone in Papua New Guinea knows who he is but am sure there are many who would like to be adopted and have the opportunity to move out of their dirt floored huts.

May you be in good form for your students tomorrow. love, mj