Friday 22 February 2019

25 things I want people to know about me...revisited

I haven't thought about this since 2009 but it is interesting to revisit it and see if I can possibly come up with 25 things that anyone other than me (and perhaps my family once I am dead and gone) would be interested in knowing.

My first in the 2009 blog was that I love New York, though not as much as Paris.  I am not sure if that is still true but I do like New York or at least the New York I remember from the last time I was there.  Then there is the question of the 100,000 words.  Still no book but creeping towards it.

So here goes:

1. I love New York but not as much as Paris and perhaps I love London more than either of them but that could have to do with familiarity.

2.  I haven't bothered counting how many words I have written since 2009 but still no book.  I do think that I am edging towards one though.  Interesting to see if I get anywhere with it by this time next year.

(This is the point when I wonder what anyone would be interested in knowing!  I have far more than 25 friends on Facebook now but how many are good enough friends that they would want to know more than the superficial.)

3.  If Beale Street Could Talk is one of my favorite books (as I have recently said on Facebook) and I can't help but wonder why I haven't reread it since the late 70s.

4. I wrote my master's thesis on a text written in Anglo Norman French (French spoken in Britain after the Norman Conquest).  As I didn't go on for a PhD, I don't suppose that it was specifically useful in the rest of my life but the skills I gained from doing it certainly were.

5.  I am a Star Trek fan and am loving Star Trek Discovery.  I have been a sci-fi fan since I was about 10 when I was given an adult library card and discovered the science fiction section along with Heinlein, Asimov, Larry Niven and so many more.

6. Though I do like being in New York, Paris and London, my favorite place in the world at the present time is Gladstone's Library in Flintshire.  I would give anything to spend a month there, or even a full week.

7. I have become both more and less tolerant as the years have progressed.  Funny how that happens.

8. I have few regrets but one of them (and it still haunts silly) relates to an event when I was 16.  One morning, I grew impatient with waiting for my ride to school and took a ride with someone else.  No mobiles in those days to tell them what had happened.

9. I still have dreams about not having finished high school when I was admitted early to university.  Yes, I don't have a high school diploma and really why should that matter at my age.

(When I have a problem coming up with 10, 25 would be impossible.)

10.  I don't dream in French anymore.  Hopefully next month's visit to Paris will help with that!

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