Sunday 27 June 2010

Day 5 of my holiday

Sigh! I am in love with my holidays! The weather is perfect, though my lawn is suffering from the lack of rain (Well, you can't have everything!); I am doing precisely what I want and there are weeks ahead of me to keep doing precisely what I want. Sigh again!

With the wonderful weather we are having, I have found it very difficult to spend much time in the house. Nothing wrong with that, I suppose. I did do some projects around the house in the first few days I had off. It was still cool and I was probably suffering from post-work syndrome. I sorted out the kitchen cupboards, my drawers and Cliff's, vacuumed anything that didn't move and then stopped. I probably did more work than I've done for months and now, with luck, I have finished with household chores.

On a less strenuous note, I have started my summer reading. It is the 50th anniversary of the publication of To Kill and Mockingbird and so I have started to re-read it. This afternoon I listened to an interesting programme on Radio 4 in which a number of writers and critics discussed the influence of the novel and its relevance today. I had no idea that it was such a popular book in secondary English courses in the UK. As I started to read it the other day, I remember thinking how challenging it would be for teen readers.

Off to bed now! More to come tomorrow and more reading too!

Thursday 24 June 2010

I'm back!

Dear All, (Well there probably aren't that many of you!) I have decided to reopen my blog to anyone. I found that having it closed it to only certain readers, I was no longer posting. I have no idea why that as but it also meant that I got out of the habit of writing.

I am on holiday for the summer and looking forward to putting certain aspects of the last 6 months behind me. Nothing at work has been resolved. Instead I have learned how to get some of what I need in a back handed manner. This is no way to go on but sometimes you just have to accept the stupidity of a situation and use it to your advantage. So, though I knew that already, in the last 3 months I have taken it on board, rather than railing against fate!

What shall I do with all this time off? I have no definite plans other than a week in Pembrokeshire with Cliff, my mum, and Naomi, Noah and James. The rest of the time I will concentrate on reading, writing, gardening, cooking and baking! Sigh!

I have already started on my first book. Discovering that this year is the 50th anniversary of the publication of To Kill a Mockingbird, I have started to re-read it. This will be my 3rd time, I think. I first read it about 1962, not long after it came out. I was 12 and my English teacher phoned my mother, concerned that I should be reading such a book! It was the rape trial that concerned him, I imagine. My mother sensibly said that if she stopped my, I would only find some other way of getting hold of it. And anyway, I was probably too young to understand what rape was anyway. She was right. The rape went right over my head, but the injustice didn't. I re-read it when I had to teach it at the beginning of my teaching career. I have no memory of the classes, nor the book. I think that the experience was traumatic! Hopefully, this read won't be.

Enough for today or at least this part of today!