Saturday 13 January 2018

It's been a while

Yes, it certainly has been a while.  Not that I haven't been writing but nothing systematic and in one place.  I've written academic pieces relating to education; I've written about the work I've done or planned on doing for my classes and I have written in a diary.  It's all over the place.  I am considering making this blog private since I'm not sure if I want others reading it any more.  I am also considering trying to turn the blog into a editable document and then deleting the blog from the internet.  We shall see.  I find it easier to type my journals than to hand write them, though I do have a written journal in a book entitled Alexandre Dumas, just in case anyone ever decides to look for it among my possessions when I shuffle off. 

I am looking at how I want to improve my life at the moment.  I need to work harder or more consistently at sorting out my medical needs - my diabetes, my aches in my knee and the big toe of my right foot and my right upper arm.  I swam today and that was a mistake for my arm.  Back stroke is not good when you have tendinitis...if that is in fact what it is.  I am trying to carry my bike only with my left arm and I have switched my bed around so that I sleep on my left side instead of my right.  Time will tell if that helps.  What didn't help, was falling off my bike just before Christmas.  At least my left leg is better now.  Hopefully my arm will be soon as well.  I sound as if I am falling apart, don't I.

I also want to work on my diet.  I had tried to eat only within a 12 to 10 hour period.  That fell by the way fairly quickly because of eating with the family.  I am going to have to plan better now.  I also would like to improve my quality of sleep.  It is obviously so important and in order to maintain my quality of life and my ability to continue teaching and writing, I need to ensure that I sleep well.  I haven't been because of my arm, the cats and the need to go to the bathroom more than anyone should need to.  I have booted the cats out at night, changed my bed around and have found that I don't wake as often, if at all, and thus don't need to go to the bathroom.  Now I just need to stop my screen time 90 minutes before bed and try and read from 8:00 till 9:30 each evening, or work on my Latin.

Finally, I am going to write every day.  Let's see what happens!