Friday 16 January 2009

A change in direction

The upper school librarian is thinking of retiring. When she joined the school about 8 years ago, I had applied for the same position but didn't get it because they couldn't replace me as a drama and French teacher. I thought that I was set being a French teacher but lately I've been thinking of taking the same MA that Emma, my youngest, is doing in Information Management and Librarianship. As soon as I heard that the position may be available, I started to consider it again. At first I wasn't convinced that it was what I wanted to do. I enjoy being a classroom teacher but the truth is, that if I want to teach for another 8 to 10 years, I need to do something that isn't as physically demanding as classroom teaching. Now, I've let myself become a somewhat excited about the idea of this job. I have an interview next Wednesday and I'm going to spend the weekend getting a presentation ready, as well as a wiki to showcase my ideas. I guess I really am serious now!

Monday 5 January 2009

Yesterday's post

My goodness, I did sound depressed yesterday but actually, I wasn't. I was being a realist. However, it does beg the question that if I don't believe that there is hope of change, what is the point. I'm going to have spend some time on this. Any thoughts?

Sunday 4 January 2009

A New Year and it's still the same old story!

Why should one expect that the world would change simply because it's a new year? Though I suppose it's not an expectation that change will happen but more a hope that it will. And yet, the credit crunch continues with our desire for better times so that we can spend, spend, spend again. Will we never learn? Israel is invading Gaza as I type. People are still dying in Zimbabwe and our news media is now ignoring it. The problem for me is that I don't have an expectation of hope that anything will get better. People lack money so they find ways of reducing their expenditures but the moment better times come, they will jump right back into our wasteful ways. Alas!