Sunday 30 December 2007

My last visit of the year to Wisley

It wasn't a beautiful day when I got up. Nor was it the best of days for a walk but at least it wasn't raining. Wisley came to mind. It's the Royal Horticultural Society garden just 12 miles from us. I became hooked on the gardens earlier this year when my mother and I were passing them each day to go to and from the radiotherapy treatments in Guildford. At first we stopped off there to have a coffee or tea on the way home most days. Then we started to visit on the weekends. I would go there every Saturday if I could. Today we walked down to the Glass House, wandered around there, had lunch in the conservatory restaurant and then came home. Not a very exciting time but good for the soul.

Thursday 20 December 2007

The last day of classes! It's the holidays!

I hope that my title gives you the impression that I am excited that today is the last day of school. In fact I am writing this at home at 8:45 in the evening and the last day of school is over. We have had our dreadful 'We mustn't mention Christmas' assembly. To be fair, parts of it were quite entertaining. There was a great instrumental piece by the Jazz Messengers, a student-teacher-parent ensemble. There was a tragi-comic moment when a grade 1 student forgot his part and was fine about it until the head of school tried to console him. Suddenly, he seemed to realize that he had made a mistake and burst in to tears. She's obviously better at balancing books than dealing with children.

The rest of the day was taken up with eating (in the staff room, in the classroom, in the library), watching French videos and listening to Christmas music. I can't believe how tiring that can be!

Monday 10 December 2007

Christmas Tree finally up!

Last year we didn't have a Christmas tree. I was just too sick to put it up. This year we have bought a new tree. It is smaller and thinner and fits nicely on our dining room table.

Friday 7 December 2007

Are you planning your pilgramage to Lourdes yet?

This year, or is it next, you can get time off from purgatory if you make a pilgrimage to Lourdes during its anniversary year. I don't know if there is anything else to say about that!

Thursday 6 December 2007

Christmas is coming...and there's a shortage of goose fat!

One of the celebrity chefs (Nigella, I think) talked on their cooking show about goose fat and how it makes the best roast potatoes in the world! Now, there's a shortage in the supermarkets. Alas! I suppose I'll have to use duck fat instead or return to the olive oil of my past. Do you have a favorite method for making roast potatoes or any other part of the Christmas feast?

We're spending Christmas in Swansea with Naomi, James and Emma. We've decided that all presents will be kept to a £20-30 maximum and they must be bought on sale, at a charity shop or be made by the giver. It is less of a challenge than I thought and, with the exception of Cliff I seems to have finished.

Today, I sent off some presents to my sister's children in Cyprus and bought stamps for some of my cards. This is the area I want to work on nest year. I don't send many cards, and only to people I don't see often. However, there seem to be a lot nonetheless. I was wondering if it might be better to make contact with people throughout the year instead of only at Christmas. Would this be better? Would we develop a better relationship? Then again, there is the question as to whether or not people I don't see all that often care to keep in touch with me.

I have friends from my past who I try to keep in touch with. I write, I phone on occasion and they always seem happy to hear from me but never make contact themselves. What does this tell me? They're lazy? They don't really care? Keeping in contact is not such a big deal for them.