Sunday, 28 December 2008
It's reflection/resolution time again!
Right, so my new resolution is to find out how to lower my blood pressure and how to keep all my other health issues under control. Let's hope that there aren't any more! I am resolved to keep eating properly (how does one define that!) and to exercise as much and more than I do already. I am also resolved (since I'm now a department head) to work hard at not getting stressed out at work!
Moving on from work and health, I am also resolved to continue to write. I had a look at what I had written about that and I have managed to do some of what I intended to do. I have started the book Emma and I were planning together. I have started to re-write my murder mystery and I have also started two other stories. Not bad but I still haven't finished anything! That is my resolution for this year. To finish some of these!
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Finally pictures of the kittens!
Sunday, 21 December 2008
An interesting article
Friday, 19 December 2008
We wish you a happy holiday!
Well, in the staff room there was an oasis of Christmas, complete with Christmas scene, Christmas music, Christmas goodies and a nativity scene. It was fun and frivolity for most of the day and many a Christmas greeting and card were exchanged.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
The last day of school and where is Christmas?
On Wednesday, I put up my old Christmas tree (artificial of course) in the main staff room and put a sign on it, saying 'Decorate me!" I also put a box of decorations there since nothing may have happened otherwise. By 8:30 it was completely decorated and people had brought other decorations into the room. This morning more lights appeared and a CD player with a Christmas CD. I also sent out an email suggesting that we have goodies in the staff room on Friday and offered to bring orange juice and mince tarts. I wonder what will happen. I have high hopes since, at the last moment, the Christmas spirit seems to have make a recovery. The only dark cloud on the horizon is the junior choir, who will be singing 'We wish you a Merry Christmas' at the school assembly tomorrow without the word 'Christmas' in it. I'll report back on what that's like tomorrow.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
The other stuff taken in hand.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Christmas and other stuff!
I have had the most stressful day today of this entire school year. I don't want to go through this again. It all comes from accepting the position of department head. Another 'alas'! This job pays me less than £80 a month extra and is taking up far too much of my time and energy. I haven't written much of anything in ages and am really suffering because of it. So, as of tomorrow I must do something. What, is the question!
Monday, 1 December 2008
Sunday, 30 November 2008
My Diet
(more later)
Friday, 28 November 2008
A Crazy Week at School
Many of us were ill, students and teachers alike. For the last three days, I have barely taught due to the most terrible of colds. Yesterday, I only had two students in my last period class. I had thought of staying home but if possible I like to keep sick days for stress relief.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Four hour work week
I have also started to re-evaluate the role I have recently taken on, as department head for Modern Language at my school. (It is somewhat ironic that I found the website and book because of my interest in finding a more efficient way of teaching and/or learning a language.) I am now going to out source jobs to other members of the department, which should be theirs anyway. At my school, the administration always looks to the department head to make sure that everyone does their appointed task. I don't get paid enough to do this. If they don't do it they can explain that to the admin team. I've also decided that all meetings will be 20 minutes long. I will send the relevant information and I will just take questions at the meeting. All 'other business' must be submitted in advance or it will not discuss it. I probably won't be able to keep to 20 minutes but I will! I don't know how long I will last at this job but for the moment someone has to do it and no one else is up to it. And some could be quite dangerous.
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
On being a grand-mother.
Emma has decided that I should be called Moogie, a nickname she gave me a few years ago. (A prize to those who know the origin...and no that doesn't include you, Mary Jane!) Cliff likes 'pops'. I think Andy Hardy (another prize for anyone who remembers who that is) used to call his father that, but the name also has an honorable television and film history. So, we have new names, an evolving role and lots of photographs. Life goes on in Surrey as it did before but the birth has thrown another element into the question of where do I go from here.
Monday, 17 November 2008
A new Member of the Family!
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Waiting for a baby to appear
For those who are waiting with bated with breath for me to write more about the books I read during the retreat. Sorry but I've been so busy with reports and much nonsense at school that I don't have the energy, mental that is, to think about them. That has to change since by blood sugar is fluctuating despite the fact that I'm eating basically the same things. I thought I would do this as en experiment to see the environmental factor as well as the food factors involved in this situation. I'm sure I don't have enough data yet but I think I am seeing a trend. Well, that's all for now. More news should a baby appear!
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Well, and now back to the books!
When Cliff and I first went to Othona it was to get away from it all with a vague nod to spirituality. We were both very stressed out. It was very easy to blame it on our jobs and the lifestyle here in southern England but in Finding Sanctuary, Abbot Jamison asks the question, 'Why have you allowed yourself to get into this state.' It's very easy to dismiss that question. How could it be me? I don't want to live like this. Then again, I do and did have choices and I can find another way to live and yes, I suppose after much denial, I have to admit that I got in this mess all by myself!
(To be continued!)
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Three Cheers
Friday, 31 October 2008
Two Books that have prompted me to changes
The second book is called 'The Four Hour Work Week' by Timothy Ferriss. If you had the chance to look at the YouTube video of the interview with a banker (from the Southbank Show) in a previous post, you might also have followed the link to the blog where I found it. Timothy Ferriss is the author of this blog which I initially looked at because he had some interesting things to say about learning language. As it turns out, he has interesting things to say about a lot of other subjects as well.
What do these two books have in common for me? Ah well, more of that tomorrow!
Thursday, 23 October 2008
The Credit Crunch
Sunday, 19 October 2008
To a baby shower and back
A year ago I might have said that a 'shower' had out lived its origins in the wilderness, pioneer days of the United States and Canada. The west has become so materially wealthy that you might think twice about passing on used baby clothes, equipment or toys. In fact, a friend of mine and his partner had twins about two years ago. When she was given second hand toys, she sent them to Oxfam. In the present economic climate, that might not have happened. People are again seeing the value in sharing, re-using and making do. I don't know whether nor not people will see this as a positive thing or just as a blip in life. However, there will be those who realize the importance of reducing our impact on the world. We don't need to be greedy. Happiness only comes from possessions when our lives are otherwise empty. That doesn't mean that we should live totally without in order to find fulfillment but we can find a sustainable balance.
How off track I have gone from the shower! It was fun to be there with several new mothers, three who might one day become mothers and three who were now grandmothers (or about to I don't know if 'fun' is the right word but it will do for now. We shared food, played a few games (part of the bonding process, I suppose) and talked about having babies through the ages! Naomi now has some tips, which she will probably forget and have to be reminded of later, and some lovely presents. She is also probably beginning to realize that for the next little while, the baby will be the star attraction in her life.
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Some things are hard to give up!
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
42 Days: What can you do in 6 weeks!
Philip Pullman, a well-known British writer, wrote a piece in the Guardian yesterday asking why 42 days. Why does it take the police so long to question someone and build a case?
If Mozart can write three symphonies in 42 days, why are the police so slow?
Why 42 days? What they mean is six weeks, of course. Six weeks! Six weeks in prison without being charged! Anything could happen in six weeks. Wars have lasted less than six weeks. In six weeks, Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic and discovered the New World. Six weeks was enough time for Mozart to write three of his greatest symphonies. William Faulkner took six whole weeks to write his novel As I Lay Dying; John le Carré wrote The Spy Who Came In From the Cold in five. In six weeks, on average, each of the 2,710 Liberty ships were built in the United States during the second world war to supplement the Allied merchant fleets. Robert Louis Stevenson took three days to write Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, but six weeks to revise and polish it. In six weeks the Wright brothers' mechanic, Charlie Taylor, built from scratch the light and powerful engine that powered their first flight. In one month in 1819 the poet Keats wrote his Ode to a Nightingale, Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode on Melancholy, and Ode on Indolence.(by Philip Pullman, Guardian October 14, 2008)
If you would like to read the rest, just follow this link:
Are you as amazed as I am that so much has been accomplished by some people in just 42 days? It makes me wonder what I could do, if I set my mind to it. How much time we obviously waste! Could I finish my novel in the next 6 weeks? I think that I could. Do I want to do whatever it would take to do so? I'm not sure. How interesting though to set a period of time in which to get something done and strive to reach that goal. I'm sure that none of the above set out to take a particular period of time to do what they did. I'm going to have to consider this. I'll get back to you.
Saturday, 11 October 2008
An Update
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
I'm considering heading north, finding an ice flow and drifting off into the arctic night.
Well, probably not! It's my birthday this weekend and I'm hoping for great presents (so no pressure family members when you read this). I also have a few books that I want to read and I just bought Michel Thomas's Italian course so unless I take my I-pod with me, the ice flow is out for the time being.
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Still annoyed!
So besides having to pee into a bottle tomorrow, take pills morning and night, keep track of my blood sugar level and everything I eat, I'm just fine and dandy. Well, actually, yes I am and I am grateful.
Friday, 26 September 2008
Evie returns
On another note, I was diagnosed with diabetes this week. I had my cancer check up two weeks ago and the blood tests indicated that I had a very high blood sugar level. I'm on pills now and visit the dietitian next week to discuss diet and to learn how to take my blood sugar level. I'm not looking forward to this but at least I don't have cancer back.
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
My Body is falling apart and I'm very annoyed!
In the next two weeks, I have to discuss my goals for the year with our new principal. I don't have any problem with this. I have goals. One relates to surviving the new principal's regime intact. Perhaps, I shouldn't share that one with her. Another is to finally finish my novel - well at least one of them! I'm not sure whether that one is for her either. Last year, one of my goals was to try and get the greatest amount of performance related pay for the least amount of work. A few of us shared that goal. In fact, we turned it into a competition. I shouldn't share that with her either. So, what should I have as my public goals?
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Good weather at last!
Today is equally as beautiful! Michael (Emma's partner) is playing cricket on the green nearby this afternoon and so Cliff and I shall gather up our living room furniture (more about that later!) and spend our afternoon drinking tea, nibbling on sandwiches and drawing on our meagre understanding of the 'laws' of cricket. But who cares whether or not one understands when the weather is beautiful and you are participating in a centuries' old game.
This morning we may go over to Wisley, the RHS garden about 15 miles from here. It is wonderful, and much more than just a garden. I have a membership with the RHS which allows us to go in free and also gives me a subscription to their equally wonderful magazine. When I was having radiotherapy, G.B. and I used to stop there regularly on the way home. It holds a special place in my heart!
Someone asked how I found out about Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day. As is often the case with the new writers I discover, I usually read about them in the Guardian or Observer, or hear about them on a Radio 4 programme. Since she is a woman writer, it might have been on Women's Hour. Then again, it could have been on either Front Row, or Open Book. However it was, I highly recommend her. I've just started another of her books, The Priory.
Now to explain the meaning of 'I shall gather up our living room furniture'. Back in July the owners of our house shipped some of their furniture back to the United States. That shipment included everything in our living room. We ordered our new sofa in mid-July and it should arrive within the next two weeks (fingers crossed!). In the meanwhile, we are using two deck chairs and an adirondack chair. It works but I find myself longing for a sofa to lie out on!
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Sorry that it's been so long!
If I only had teaching to contend with, school would be wonderful. Unfortunately, our administration has its own little journey planned for us and I'm not sure that it will be as fulfilling an experience as our students may have. More on this as the road map unfurls. (Goodness, am I sounding like the American administration?) I've never been one for maps anyway. I believe in heading in the general direction and enjoying whatever comes my way.
My writing is at a stand still at the moment. I have lost heart, that seems my only explanation. I have the time but not the inclination. It could be that school starting has sapped all my creativity. This weekend, we will finally be on our own with nowhere to go and no one coming to see us. I will sort our my work area and see if I can kick start myself. I think that writing in this blog each day would also help. So, here I go again.
I have discovered a new writer, Winifred Watson. At the moment I'm reading Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, a charming, funny, 1938 novel that has recently been turned into a film. So many books are published each year that many are simply forgotten as the years go by. And who can read all the books that come out. I almost think that publishers should stop publishing for a year so we could spend time rediscovering lost novels, like those of Winifred Watson.
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Family Reunions
The weather was quite good. One always starts off that way in any discussion of activity here. More than likely - especially this summer, and last, alas - it will rain, or look like rain, or begin to rain and stop after a few drops. Everything you think of doing revolves around the weather. Will we be able to drive, have a picnic, or go for a walk? And if not, what will we do instead! In our case, the weather was quite good - meaning that rain threatened and we had a few drops but that was it! If we had planned outside activities we would have been able to do them. But no, it's all starting to come back to me now. It did rain but not enough to spoil anything and so my subconscious has decided that it didn't rain. I went for a walk around the centre of Thetford (my mother's new village/town) and then through a friend's garden. How funny that I didn't remember the rain.
What does this have to do with reunions, you may well ask? My sister was visiting my mother and I hadn't seen her for at least 2 years. Also my niece, Lily, came down from Norwich to see us all and finally on the Sunday, my brother Peter turned up. It wasn't a big reunion, as you can see. However, it was probably a manageable size for us.
More on my mother's flat for anyone who's interested. For many reasons, she has decided to move back to the UK where she had lived in the late 70's and 80's. She seems to be ideally located in Thetford. She lived there for a number of years and still has friends, she is not far from my brother and his family in Norwich and she can get down to us by bus, which takes her into Heathrow. Thetford was not a very pretty town, the last time I spent any time there. However, it has greatly improved over the years. It also has a multicultural feel to it with Portuguese, Polish and Lithuanian shops and restaurants.
For our American friends, Thetford was the birth place of Thomas Payne, the author of the Rights of Man. Apparently, next year is an anniversary, the 200th anniversary of his death. What a funny thing to celebrate! However, I'm sure that Thetford will make something of it and welcome hoards of American tourists.
I haven't really said all that much about family reunions. Mine doesn't have them very often. How about the rest of you? Are they good things? Are families best remembered rather than experienced? I suppose it depends on the family at a particular point in time. I did find mine somewhat insightful. I have discovered that one of my siblings may feel jealous of the others and so calls mum, 'my mum'. I will have to think about that for a while.
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Hard getting back into the routine
Monday, 18 August 2008
Monday morning
I must admit to being a bit off kilter since coming back from the states. I can't settle to anything and feel depressed because I'm not getting anywhere with anything. It's just a matter of starting, I suppose. I haven't written anything since before the trip! This is not good for me. Tonight, I'll start back!
Friday, 15 August 2008
I'm back
I started back to work on Wednesday. Our high school principal for the last three years has stepped down and for the last three days we have had an introduction to our new one. So far, it is neither a happy introduction, nor a very comfortable fit. It will interesting to see who survives and in what condition!
Monday, 21 July 2008
Am I an ostrich?
So, what do we do about all the information we receive from various media. I have taken to listening to World Service news before I get up to find out what is happening in the world. Then I either ignore TV and radio or watch a video. Thus, I find that I'm much happier going into the day, not knowing about the nose dive of the economy or any other particularly depressing revelation about society in general. Is this a cop out? Should I take my head out of the ground or does a sensible restriction of input from media help to keep me on an even keel. something to contemplate as I work in my garden today.
Friday, 4 July 2008
Back from a very nice place

I managed some time on my writing as well. As there was no Internet connection (except in a small corner of the quiet room) all of my writing was focused on my novel. I started by rereading the first 5 and a half chapters. I hadn't worked on the novel for about three weeks and so I had lost track of the characters. I wrote the rest of the chapter 5 and I'm into chapter 6. Now I'm started again, I must make sure that I keep up the momentum because I would like to finish my first draft by the end of my holidays.
I had forgotten what it was like to be somewhere where there is very little noise. For the majority of the time, you couldn't hear the traffic from the road, there were no radios, television sets or CD players available except for special occasions, though we could have had a radio or CD player in our room if we had wanted to. The house was often completely silent. When there was noise, it was often the sound of voices involved in talk or discussion. There were also some who sang. I have come to realize how important silence (or an environment with less noise) is. Often times, I leave the radio or television on to have some noise in the background. I wonder why I do that when I feel so much better without it. I suppose it's a habit, one I would like to break.
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Gardening in a small area
(Back to the garden) All seems well at the moment. The tomatoes are covered in flowers, the green beans are climbing and blooming, and flowers appeared on the courgettes (zucchini) today. I may have a pumpkin out there masquerading as a courgettes. We'll have to wait and see. I also have herbs - marjoram, parsley, chives, mint, and rosemary.
At the back of the house, the apple tree seems to be producing a bumper crop, as does the grape vine. Our grapes are never very big but they do ripen and they are lovely to eat. I won't count my crops till they actually present themselves but I must admit that I have been thinking of apple and blackberry pies as I pass the blackberry bushes just up the road. It's wonderful to be able to get such a wonderful crop for nothing, just by wondering the lanes with your container picking what you find in the hedgerows.
Sunday, 15 June 2008
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Bored, bored, bored! And fed up!
I meant to talk about a book I was reading. I came to my laptop with that in mind. It's called Netherland and it's by Joseph O'Neill. I read about it first in the Guardian. They talk of it as a novel that will change the American novel. And it's about cricket and 9/11 and the immigrant experience and a marriage. I got it today and so far, I'm impressed. I'm also ready to visit the cricket club of the book, Staten Island Cricket Club. More to come on the book as I continue to read.
Thursday, 29 May 2008
More on Rain
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
I'm so fed up with the rain but then again who isn't!
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Monday, 26 May 2008
Ah, the weather!
I've been trying to create a blog about cooking and eating in hard times. Pru Leath, an excellent food writer here, was saying yesterday on a radio gardening programme that she was going to write that sort of cook book next so I think that perhaps I will the challenge in better hands and just continue with the occasional post here. I do go back and forth on this. What is the point of me writing, I think. (Do you remember the frequent examination of this question, you who read this blog now and then?) Today's answer is that I need to write. I could just have a journal but I don't think that I would keep it up in quite the same way. So, I continue!
Here's an interesting posting for any of those looking to make changes. Funnily enough, much of this seems reminiscent of the the 70's and 80's.
Eating Healthy for Less
by Meg McGowan
Keeping monthly expenses to a minimum allows me the flexibility to live with a writer’s unpredictable income. If the pen has not been as mighty as it might be, the one area of the budget that can always be squeezed is the food bill. Fortunately, eating cheaply and eating healthy have a lot in common. If the gourmet organic food trend has almost convinced you that only the wealthy can eat well or if you’ve come to accept your high grocery bill as better than a high medical bill, take heart. Here are my top twenty-five tips for eating healthy without eating up your retirement fund.
1. A plan is essential. Think in terms of creating new rituals and rhythms for your life rather than more schedules and routines. Take time to think about what you want to form the basis of your life and your menus. Eating healthy and eating cheaply rarely occur without some forethought.
2. Give some thought to why you want to make a change. If you are already eating well but you want to spend less money, ask yourself why. Of course most people would like to have more money left after paying bills, but why do YOU want more money? What will you spend it on? Define your goals, then make sure you follow through. If you want to eat better, being specific about your goals will help you formulate your plan. What is most important to you — buying more organic foods, less meat, food without preservatives, dairy products without hormones, eggs from uncaged hens, whole grains, more variety, less fat? Knowing what is most important to you establishes priorities, which creates a place to begin and forms criteria to help you make decisions.
3. Limit your repertoire. Variety may be the spice of life, but too much will give you indigestion. Most of us have kitchens filled with ingredients (especially spices) that we rarely use. One strategy is to collect about two weeks worth of recipes that meet your criteria for both cost and nutrition. Cycle through them, then begin again. Or designate each day of the week for focusing on a particular type of food: Monday, soup in cold months and salad in warm months; Tuesday, tofu; Wednesday, pasta; Thursday, eggs; Friday, pizza, Saturday, sandwiches; Sunday, beans and rice. Variety and flexibility are built in. Soup might be from a can, from a mix or from scratch depending what is on sale and what is in the cupboard. By beginning with just a couple recipes for each category, the system stays manageable.
4. Organize a food exchange. Convince a few friends to join you in an informal food tasting. When each of you cooks a favorite inexpensive, healthy meal, make a double batch. Divide the extra into sampler sizes for each participant. Everyone can take turns sampling and providing samples of new recipes without having to purchase all the ingredients, only to discover that half the family hates it.
5. Or swap complimentary foods. I have a friend who loves to make soup, but her husband rarely eats soup. I like the idea of making soup, but I rarely get further than imagining a robust pot simmering on my stove. Instead I make a variety of quick breads and trade my friend for soup. We both get homemade meals with less work and less cost.
6. Drink more water. Even if you drink bottled water, it is still the cheapest beverage available. By consuming the recommended eight glasses of water a day, you support all your body’s systems and reduce the number of more costly beverages you consume.
7. Eat less meat. Most Americans still eat too much meat relative to other components of their diets. Meat also takes the biggest bite out of the food budget. The answer seems almost too easy.
8. Grow your own herbs. A vegetable garden is also a good idea, but an herb garden is much less daunting. Herbs require little space or care, and once established, most provide a continuous harvest. Fresh herbs add a gourmet taste to any meal. They also provide nutrients. You can buy fresh herbs at the store, but for the price of a few sprigs you could buy the whole plant. Freeze or dry your harvest at the end of the season and you can use them all winter.
9. Good produce gone bad can make you feel as though you are throwing your money away (though, I hope, you are composting it!) Expand your selection of produce on hand and reduce waste by using high-quality frozen vegetables available in large polybag sizes. You can easily add a handful of frozen peas, carrots, and corn to a recipe, then reseal the bag and tuck it back in the freezer. Frozen veggies can augment rather than replace your fresh produce purchases.
10. Look for recipes that don’t have a lot of ingredients or that lend themselves easily to substitutions. You can always be creative and add herbs, spices, or vegetables that you have on hand.
11. Make meal preparation a family time. Meals prepared together nourish each person’s spirit as well as their bodies, and every step of preparation at home saves money at the grocery store. Avoiding convenience foods means food that is fresher and has fewer preservatives.
12. Decide where you can and cannot compromise. I stock up on regular name-brand spaghetti sauce when it’s on sale (preferably with coupons as well). Most of the sauces are preservative free and I can recognize all of the ingredients. I buy only organic milk and free-range eggs. Your priorities may be different but should be in line with your own values.
13. A diverse diet costs less at my local food co-op where I can choose from a wide selection of bulk pastas, grains, legumes and rice, without having to buy more than I need. Look for stores that also let you select only as much produce as you will use. Farmers markets are often a good source for finding flexible quantities at excellent prices.
14. Keep snacks simple. Healthier snacks tend to be cheaper snacks. Gourmet chips abound, and though they may be baked not fried none are as healthy as carrot sticks. Other choices that tend to be low in fat, calories and cost are seasonal fruits and vegetables, pretzels dipped in mustards, popcorn (the traditional evening snack served at the Heartland Spa), and graham crackers.
15. Make your own convenience foods. Blend your own spice mixes. Prepare an extra large batch of pancakes or waffles and freeze them between sheets of wax paper to pop in the toaster oven at breakfast time. Freeze chocolate chip cookie dough in pre-formed balls to bake later. Many of the mixes in Make a Mix Cookery and More Make-A-Mix Cookery (H.P. Books, 1978 and 1980) can be modified and prepared using high quality, organic ingredients while still saving you money.
16. Realize that if you can control costs on items you consume regularly, you will realize the greatest savings for the least amount of effort. You can purchase organically-grown coffee beans for far less than a barista-made beverage — even if you add organic, hormone-free half and half. The same is true for any snacks and meals consumed away from home. If you make and take your own, you control the quality and the price. And remember: one simple change that saves you a dollar each weekday adds up to over $250 per year.
17. Consider, however, that paying extra for the feeling that someone else is taking care of you may be meeting an emotional need. If this is the case, is there an alternative way to meet your needs? Can another family member start the coffee in the morning? Would a neighbor or co-worker be willing to bring you coffee in exchange for a small favor in return? An extra benefit of trading is a more genuine feeling of being nurtured.
18. Play the stock market. Stock up on non-perishable items you use regularly when they are on sale (Here’s where your plan comes in handy!). When prices rise, you can serve yourself a large share of savings.
19. If you are really ambitious, you can freeze fresh fruits and vegetables when they are at their peak and their prices are not. Berries are best frozen in a single layer on a cookie sheet, then bagged, so they are easily separated. Even if you are not too ambitious, you can freeze your leftover, slightly wilted vegetables for soups or stews. Fruits can be frozen and added to muffin, pancake or waffle batter.
20. Never go shopping without a list. If you don’t have a list, go home and put the tail ends of all of your frozen, polybagged vegetables together in a melange. Serve with your last piece of cheese grated over bread heels and toasted. Return to the store tomorrow when you have a list.
21. Never shop when you are hungry.
22. The more often you shop and the longer you are actually in the store, the more money you will spend. This is why preparation time saves you money. Not only are you able to think about what you want, away from the hypnotic hum of the merchandising machines, but you also spend less time in the store and need to make fewer return trips for forgotten items.
23. Put your intentions before you. If you are full of menu ideas while shopping but your follow through is less than stellar, jot a quick list of your plans as you unpack your groceries. Post the list in a prominent place in the kitchen.
24. Keep things simple, and begin with small bites. If you suddenly decide that you are going to cook only from scratch, it is likely that you will end up with a cupboard full of ingredients that will torment rather than tempt you and a huge bill for that most expensive eating option, take-out food.
25. Choose a starting point and begin. My personal touchstone is oatmeal for breakfast. It is where I began and what I return to if I feel I am losing my way. Oatmeal is easy, cheap, and good for me. It means I don’t have to think in the morning. I can eat it plain or dress it up with whatever is on hand or on sale. With that one piece in place, I start my day with a tangible affirmation of my resolve to eat healthy for less.
Whatever your first step, simply take it, now. If you wait until your plan is fine-tuned, you will lose your enthusiasm and become bogged down in details. When you move your household, you can’t wait until each picture is hung in the right spot to resume the business of your life in a new location. So it is with all change. Decisions are made, the framework is shifted, and small adjustments are made in all the days that follow.
Sunday, 18 May 2008
A great recipe: ragù bolognese
Spaghetti Bolognese is a typical Britalian dish created bearing in mind the ethnic Italian origin but adapted to suit British taste. This dish doesn't exist in Italy - the original dish originates in Emilia Romagna and it's called tagliatelle alla Bolognese. The main difference is that flat ribboned pastas are used instead of spaghetti and the ragù sauce doesn't contain herbs at all.
Genuine ragù Bolognese is a combination of at least two types of meat, like lean minced beef and pork, plus oil and butter, a little wine, an onion, plump ripe tomatoes and tomato paste.
25g (1oz) butter
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium-sized onion, chopped
250g (9oz) minced beef
250g (9oz) minced pork
6 tablespoons white wine
1kg (2lb) polpa di pomodoro (tomato pulp)
1 teaspoon concentrated tomato purée
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Heat the oil and butter in a pan and fry the chopped onion. Then add the meat and fry until golden brown. Stir in the wine, tomato pulp and tomato purée. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cover with a lid and leave to simmer for about 2 hours stirring from time to time.
Serve with freshly cooked tagliatelle and sprinkle with freshly grated parmesan, if desired, but purists like this dish without.
Old cook books may show the way
We have all sorts of cookbooks and television cooking shows here but nothing that shows people how to do things such as feed a family of 4 for 3 days on a large chicken. I was thinking that I might start a cooking blog just to pursue back to basics.
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Adirondack chairs again!
My giggle for today!
Monday, 5 May 2008
The Chair in my garden
This summer our living room furniture is moving to Washington D.C. with the owners of our house. At that point, the chairs may come indoors to give us somewhere to sit until we decide what we want to buy. I'm looking forward to having them there as well.
The weather has been glorious today in our part of southern England. It might almost be Ontario in the summer (but not has hot!).
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Featherweight Dumplings
2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons baking powder
milk to make a thick dough
Sift the dry ingredients and add only enough milk to make a stiff dough - not at all runny. Drop tablespoons of the thick batter into boiling broth, cover tightly, cook gently, and don't lift the lid for 10 minutes. Then lift the lid and sigh with relief. The dumplings will be snowy white puffs.
Edna Staebler from Food that Really Schmecks
Friday, 18 April 2008
Another recipe: Palmiers
Palmier Recipe
Ingredients: Makes 24
75 g/3 oz caster (superfine) sugar
225 g/8 oz puff pastry (paste), thawed if frozen
25 g/1 oz/2 tbsp butter, melted
Sprinkle the work surface with a little sugar. Roll out the pastry thinly to about 25 x 30 cm/10 x 12 in. Brush with a little melted butter and sprinkle liberally with sugar. Fold the long sides in so they nearly meet in the middle, then flip one folded side over the other. Wrap in clingfilm (plastic wrap) and chill for at least 30 minutes.
Using a sharp knife, cut into 24 slices and place on a wetted baking (cookie) sheet. Bake in a preheated oven at 220°C/425°F/gas mark 7 for 10 minutes. Turn each palmier over and bake for a further 3-4 minutes until crisp and golden brown all over. Sprinkle immediately with more sugar and transfer to a wire rack to cool. Store in an airtight tin.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Witts End
There is a theme emerging in my life at the moment. First the bank thinks I'm too old to get a mortgage. Secondly, my dentist thinks that my teeth may fall out. Finally, a group of physicist at the new particle accelerator in Switzerland may create a black hole during one of their experiments. I asked Michael, my resident physicist, what would happen if they did. Apparently, the universe, as we know it, would end. Not slowly, but in an instant. I suppose that it would be a relief knowing that it would all be over before I even knew that it was happening. I like the idea that I wouldn't have to worry about it. No, "News at 6. Today in Switzerland a black hole was formed. We have 12 hours to the end of the world." Instantaneous is better.
It would certainly solve a lot of my problems. In fact, it would solve all of our problems. There's a lot to be said about that. No waiting for global warming to finish us off. A blink of the eye and nothing. Unless of course there is life after life. I don't mean to sound depressing. I don't find it depressing at all. Rather, I find it comforting and even uplifting. It's even given me a story idea.
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Beef in Ale Stew
50 g butter
250g salt pork, pancetta or slab bacon, cut into 2.5cm cubes
500g white onions, peeled, halved and sliced
up to 50g plain (all purpose flour)
salt and ground black pepper
500ml good beef stock
2 bay leaves
a few parsley stalks
1. Heat the butter in a large frying pan over medium-high heat and brown the pancetta until the fat runs. Transfer to a casserole.
2. Reduce the heat to low and in the same pan gently fry the onions, stirring occasionally, until soft and starting to turn golden (about 15 minutes). Transfer to the casserole.
3. Toss the beef in seasoned four, shaking off any excess, and in the same pan brown the meat in batches. transfer it to the casserole when nicely coloured on all sides.
4. Pour some ale into the pan to deglaze, making sure you scrape up the tasty bits stuck to the bottom, then tip into the casserole. Pour the rest of the ale and stock over the meat, adding a little water if needed to cover the meat.
5. Add the herbs, tied into a bouquet garni, and season.
6. Bring to boil a boil, then simmer very gently, partially covered, for 2 and a half hours for chuck/stewing steak, three hours for shin, until the meat is really tender - do this on the stove or in a very low oven (120C/235F/gas mark 1/2).
7. Add hot water if the meat gets exposed and starts to dry out.
(If you want to cook dumplings, add them for the last 45 minutes.)
I'll post a recipe for dumplings tomorrow.
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Winter returns!
Brownies again!
First a note on the second recipe. I didn't like the consistency of the previous recipe and so cooked it again last week using double the chocolate. In fact, I received a chocolate bar with my copy of the Guardian last Saturday - dark chocolate with orange and fig. I didn't think that I'd eat it so I used it in the brownies. So here is the recipe again with the changes:
4 oz of dark chocolate (flavored if you like)(in fact the whole bar if you want to)
1/2 cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
1. In small saucepan over low heat, melt chocolate with butter, remove from heat and add vanilla; set aside.
2. In mixing bowl, beat eggs lightly. Gradually beat in sugar. In separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder and salt; stir into egg mixture. Stir in chocolate mixture, then nuts.
3. Spread in greased 8-inch (2L) square pan. Bake in 350F (180C) oven for about 25 minutes (brownies should appear slightly under-baked in center). cool; front if desired. Makes about 16 squares.
Another Brownie Recipe
Guiniess and Walnut chocolate Brownies
Makes 16
145 g plain flour
80g unsweetened cocoa, plus a little extra for dusting
1/2 teaspoon salt
220g dark chocolate, around 70% broken into small pieces
90grams unsalted butter, cubed, plus a little extra for greasing
80grams light Muscovado sugar
80grams dark Muscovado sugar
4 eggs (at room temperature)
225ml bottled stout (IE. Guinness)
165g walnuts, in large pieces
1. Preheat oven to 170C (325F/gas mark 3) Grease a 23cm X 30cm X 5cm (9X12 inch) baking tin with a little butter, then dust with a little cocoa.
2. Sift the flour, cocoa and salt into a bowl. Melt the butter and chocolate in a bowl over a pan of barely simmering water. Remove from the heat and tip the sugars over the top. Leave for two minutes, then stir.
3. Beat in the eggs one at a time until you have a glossy mixture.
4. Stir in the stout (Guinness), then fold in the flour, cocoa and two thirds of the walnuts until just combined - don't over mix.
5. Pour into the tin and sprinkle over the remaining walnuts.
6. Bake for 25 minutes until just set in the middle - a skewer should come out with a few moist crumbs clinging to it.
7. Leave cool in the tin for 30 minutes before cutting into squares.
Thursday, 3 April 2008
The Dentist (now that's a title to put anyone off!)
Undergoing teeth cleaning can take on a surrealistic quality, rather like waiting for a bus in England or a ferry to the Greek islands. I also get the same feeling whenever I read the book of Revelations. I decided to try and think of something else. What? I have just written a new first chapter for my book and needed to re-write the 'romantic encounter' of the now second chapter. Yes, that would be my distraction. Wrong. How can anyone have romantic thoughts, even if they are just fiction with the noise of the cleaning tools boring through your head. I couldn't hear myself think, let alone conjure up romantic prose. Sam and Evie decided to skip the kiss and went their separate ways to anywhere quiet.
When my hygienist had finished, she asked me about flossing. Yes, I do it but apparently, you could drive a bus through the spaces between some of my teeth and I now have to use a bottle brush instead. No, of course it's not really a bottle brush. For one thing, my brushes are more expensive. I came out of there poorer, and feeling my age, or some older person's age which would be mine one day. As I walked home, I couldn't shake the picture of a woman, soon to loose her teeth, followed by her hair turning gray and falling out too. I have all ready experienced the joys of loosing my hair and it wasn't that bad. However, in the mood I was in, it was just another indignity to be faced, probably sooner rather than later. When you're 27, growing old is a long time away. When you're 57, it's a reality you will soon have to face. Or not! I choose the latter for the time being.
The Barry Manilow effect
How a phone call messed up my day!
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Books we have enjoyed
Monday, 31 March 2008
Back from London
Then I came upon Donna Leon, down on the first floor. All the fans had been and gone and she was sitting by herself, other than two shop employees and her minder from the publishing company. Somehow, we started talking and she asked me what I was going to buy. As soon as she saw The Night Train to Lisbon, she apologized to one of the book store employees, and told me not to read it because it was so boring. As a group, we talked a bit about the author and whether or not he wrote in German or French. From there she went on to suggest some writers I might like. Finally, as an afterthought, I told her how much I enjoyed the descriptions of food in her novels. I have a recipe book coming out next year, she declared and then questioned the girl from the publishing company as to whether or not they were going to publish it. If not she said, it would be out in German or French, so that would be fine for me! I then went off and found a book by one of the authors she had suggested. The other author is out of print and so when I came home, I ordered one on Amazon. In the end I did buy a copy of the book to remind me of our conversation.
My next stop was to be the bakery. I didn't want to go by underground so I decided to walk. It wasn't a sunny day but it was warm. I walked and walked and walked and 40 minutes later I accidentally came across Elizabeth Street, home of my bakery. I'm not sure what I was expecting but it wasn't what I found. This bakery was rather like a very expensive dress shop which takes minimalism to the extreme. (I suppose they don't need many dresses since they're all so expensive and the customer wants to feel that they have something exclusive!) There were a few items on display in the window, but not the abundance one would expect from a bakery, trying to entice customers through the door. It was the same inside. I was met on entrance by a young woman who asked if she could help me so I told her about the biscuits I wanted, and then I choose a half loaf of sour dough bread (sold by the kilo). I took a quick look around but there was nothing that caught my interest. This is strange for a bakery! Next a young man came out from the back and sat down in front of a ledger. She told him what I had bought, he wrote down the figures and took my money. I said thank you and good bye and the young woman opened the door for me. I couldn't help but wonder if it was a front for something else but the bread is just too good for that! I don't think I'll be going back.
Home from India
I always think how I can share my trips with friends and family. Seeing the captivating colors and characters compels me to write. India is truly color-filled. And more. It’s like traveling through the pages of the Bible, only with electricity - intermittent as it is. A dust devil of traffic coming and going, with a ceaseless cacophony of horns to fill any gaps tells it all.
After a few hours on the road, my urge to gasp at an on-coming semi, whilst passing a teetering camel cart, dodging a meandering sacred cow, circumventing a herd of goats, and avoiding tsunami of motor cycles and was transformed to a casual laugh. Eventually my nervous giggles found the company of a good, steady grin. Except around the numerous beggars.
The sheer direness of these conditions is tearful. No Western solution fits, though we are moved to try. It is humbling to feel such dignity and yet such distress. We took to feeding as many as we could, which delighted most with a bright smile. Others insisted on money. There are lots of scams and some beggars can behave badly. There is
no way to prepare for this calamity.
But many of the needy are resourceful. Such as the 7 year old who charcoaled a mustache over his lip while his little sister, tied to a strand of yarn, performed a back flip like a circus monkey on the median. The traffic is bungled at these intersections and makes for a captivating performance and enough time to pass on a few grateful rupees.
There are faded affects of the British rule along side ancient traditions, tea time being the most obvious bustle in the congested streets about mid day. And every village has a cricket pitch rotating patch-clad players to the fascination of passing shepherds.
Holi is the Easter time holiday of recklessly splashing colors on mates and strangers. We broke curfew to join the ruckus and discover how Easter eggs experience the day. For days following our hands, hair, and shoes were stained the colors of jelly beans.
There are many religions in India. Temples, shrines, palaces, forts and deserted cities testify to a diversity of ideas over the centuries. Contrasts comprise the balance of daily ritual. Head coverings require a code to understand what sect is represented. Wound, tailed, capped or wrapped is part of the male regime.
Women wear head coverings similar to each other, brightly attired in both city and field. Whether harvesting grain, patting dung huts, or bathing in the Ganges, I saw beautiful saris worn. There are other styles of clothing for other religions too. I wonder how fashion would look in America if the Catholics, Jews, Baptists were to define their own garb. Who would get dibs on blue jeans?
I have returned from the land of turmeric-smelling camels and inlaid marble palaces; of fresh veg and spoiled water; of roadside bathing and curb side relieving; with Delhi in my belly and a flying carpet in my carry-on. Thank God and Allah and Shiva, et al.
Picts to follow. She promises with best of intentions…
Barbara Bertram
Off to London! If I'm lucky!
First, the book signing! Donna Leon, who writes detective novels set in Venice, is at Hatchards today at 12:30. I have mentioned her writing a few times on this blog, especially in reference to her descriptions of food in Venice. I wouldn't normally go to a book signing. What do I have to say to Donna other than, 'Enjoyed your book'. However, I have difficulty finding birthday presents for my mother and I think that she would like a signed copy of Leon's latest.
The bakery is for me. I have been reading a cook book called 'Paris Sweets' by Dorie Greenspan. I recommend it if you enjoy baking pastries and desserts, or if you just enjoy reading cook books. This really is my kind of cook book - great recipes and a narrative that carries you through the pages. The very first recipe is for a biscuit called 'punition' (punishments)adapted from Boulangerie Poilâne. There is a Poilâne bakery in London I have discovered and I want to go and sample their wares!
So, here I sit waiting for the valuer and hoping that he shows up within the next hour! I need to catch the 11:23 at the latest in order to get there on time!
Sunday, 30 March 2008
More on the stew!
Defrosted Fridge Stew:
1 to 1 1/2 cups of chicken/turkey broth and bits of meat
2 potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes
1 sweet potato, peeled and cut into cubes
1 small can of tomatoes
1 onion, finely chopped
1 leak
2-3 cloves of garlic
Make sure liquids cover the meat and vegetables and so add water if you don't have enough broth
salt, pepper and whatever other seasonings you like to taste
1. Peel and chop onion and then fry on low heat in butter (with a bit of olive oil to stop butter from burning. Add chopped garlic.
2. Slice leak into 1/2 inch pieces (make sure the leak is clean) and fry with onion and garlic.
3. Add cubed potatoes and sweat potato and continue to fry for 2 to 3 minutes.
4. Add liquids and seasonings.
5. Simmer till vegetables are cooked.
Enough for 2 and a bit left over for the next day's lunch.
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Finished the fridge and onto cooking!
Cliff and I have been waiting for the Oxford-Cambridge Boat race to begin. The coverage started at 4:00 and now it is 5:17 and they are just starting. How typical! I've grown bored and in a moment I'm off to start dinner using my refrigerator treasure. I'm going to make a chicken stew with carrots, a leek, some sweat potato, garlic, onion and anything else that turns up. I'll keep you posted on how it turns out.
Defrosting the Fridge! And cranberry muffins!
I used to long for a North American refrigerator but I would need a much larger kitchen so for now I cope and for as long as possible ignore the tell tale signs of glaciation. Where is all this leading me? To recipes to use up some of the interesting items I have found lurking at the back. For example there are two partially used jars of cranberry sauce. One is definitely from this past Christmas. I'm not sure about the other. However, there isn't any mold so I'm going to bake something with them. I remember a recipe for muffins using left over sauce so here it is. It's especially good for the day after Christmas or Thanksgiving when you have so much left over sauce!
Cranberry Muffins
2 cups flour (8oz cups)
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup cranberry sauce
1/4 cup oil
1 cup cranberry sauce
1/4 cup oil
1 egg
1 cup milk
400F (200C) for 20 minutes
1. In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt.
2. Stir in the cranberry sauce. In another bowl, beat the oil and egg slightly.
3. Stir in the milk and pour into the flour mixture. Stir until just moistened.
4. Drop batter into well-buttered muffin tins - about 18 - and bake.
These are best eaten warm!
I have some frozen cranberries as well so I must go off and see what I can do with those.