Saturday, 11 October 2008

An Update

I thought that perhaps I should let you know what has been happening with me since I last wrote. Last week, I really felt my life getting out of control and Friday the third, I gave myself a good talking to and now things are much better. I have sorted out my diet. Well, at least I think I have! And now that I don't have to take my blood sugar level every day, I'm calmer when things go wrong. Initially, I couldn't get enough blood out of my fingers to test and was pricking myself 4 or 5 times and getting quite panicky. Once the doctor decided that I only had to do it a few times before my next appointment, I found I was able to do the test with less difficulty.


Mary Jane Murray said...

A good talking to....that's a good birthday gift.

The idea of you having trouble pricking your finger and not getting enough blood for your test...oh dear, that must been horrible. Good that you can reduce the frequency.

Sounds like you are getting into the swing of it...

Naomi said...

I'm glad they've reduced the number of prickings! We may have had to start calling you Susan 'the pincushion' Merrick.