Thursday, 19 April 2007

The Vortex of Unspeakable Evil

I suppose you might be wondering what I'm talking about. What is a vortex of unspeakable evil? Anyone who works with me or has known me for a while realizes that it probably has something to do with the place I work and the woman (aka 'she who must be obeyed') who runs the place. Yes, you are right. It's the new name for the place she dwells while on campus.

Yesterday afternoon, there was a meeting attended by the head of school, the superintendent (head of all three schools), the head of the management committee (former managing director of a brewery) and the head of HR. We were all there as well, every member of the faculty and non-teaching staff. Why had we all gathered, you may wonder. It was to be the unveiling of the results of the staff survey (taken last October) and a presentation on the pay and benefits for non-teaching staff. Were we excited? I'm afraid not. We've become too cynical over the years to believe there was much point being there. In fact 45 percent of the staff couldn't even bring themselves to fill out the survey in the first place.

We weren't given a copy of the results of the survey before the meeting. We were given it the morning after the meeting. The management group decided what elements of the survey they would discuss with us. Admittedly they did turn out to be some of the ones with the worst response percentages:

I feel the school appreciates the need for a good work/life balance. (13% agreed)
I feel that my contribution to the school is valued and recognized. (34% agreed)
I believe the school recognises hard work and commitment. (27%)

Amazingly, despite the fact that those figures were down from last year, the head of school managed to take a positive view of them. However, she did say that she was disappointed ('with you' was left hanging in the air) that only 13% felt that ACS appreciated the need for a good work life balance. She had done so much for us this year to make things better. She had put more whiteboards in classrooms. There was more computer training. There were going to be more whiteboards this year and more computer training. No one was entirely sure how the whiteboards and computer training would improve our work/life balance. Someone since has suggested that we should ask her for her definition of work/life balance. Hers doesn't seem to match ours.

We were talked down to, insulted, told that we could find another job if we didn't like our pay or terms of employment and lied to. And I truly believe that they thought they had gotten away with it.

The Insurrection/revolution started that day at 5:00 with the end of the meeting.
How many of us felt that action would be taken as a result of the survey - only 25%. How many of us would let it rest there. I can't say yet but there is a boycott of the head's Friday get-together meeting. We may know better after that!

And as to the 'vortex of unspeakable evil'? It's where 'she who has hurt so many people' hangs out.

And what about the pay and benefits for the non-teaching staff, you may also ask. Well, nothing will happen till 2008-9. In the meanwhile, 'they' will decide if each person is paid above, below or at market rate. And who will get an increase? Only those below market rate. After years without a pay increase, the majority still won't get one.

Yes, and why do we stay? The head of HR said we should leave if we weren't happy. It's a shame that it isn't as simple as that!

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