Friday, 16 March 2007


I only have 17 sessions left to go. Well, yes there are those last two treatments which involve (please excuse me saying this) two radioactive tampons that get put up my... We won't go there. Thought someone will, I suppose! I get them during the week of the 16Th of April. I was telling someone at school and she thought that I should be off work during that time since I would be radioactive. Just to put all your minds at rest, I won't be. I've already reassured my students that should we turn off the lights, I would not glow!

To date I have few symptoms of the therapy. I am slightly nauseated and I do need to run to the bathroom from time to time but that is all. Thank heavens! I've posted a lot of pictures of England in bloom and I must admit that visiting gardens has really helped de-stress me, especially after the treatment. Mum and I often stop at RHS Wisley on the way back from the hospital in Guildford to have tea and chill out for a while before rejoining the world.

1 comment:

Mary Jane Murray said...

Wonder if you'll get some odd comments re your mention of radioactive tampons? mj