Friday, 16 January 2009

A change in direction

The upper school librarian is thinking of retiring. When she joined the school about 8 years ago, I had applied for the same position but didn't get it because they couldn't replace me as a drama and French teacher. I thought that I was set being a French teacher but lately I've been thinking of taking the same MA that Emma, my youngest, is doing in Information Management and Librarianship. As soon as I heard that the position may be available, I started to consider it again. At first I wasn't convinced that it was what I wanted to do. I enjoy being a classroom teacher but the truth is, that if I want to teach for another 8 to 10 years, I need to do something that isn't as physically demanding as classroom teaching. Now, I've let myself become a somewhat excited about the idea of this job. I have an interview next Wednesday and I'm going to spend the weekend getting a presentation ready, as well as a wiki to showcase my ideas. I guess I really am serious now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They would be lucky to have you in that position...mj