Friday June 29
Hi all! And yes it was a stormy night though I don’t think that either of us really noticed it. When we woke up the ship was really rocking back and forth. In fact, the flowers in the vase on the desk slid right off and into the rubbish bin. Lucky it was there! After that, we put everything away so that nothing else went flying! Cliff tells we that the wind was a force 10 gale. I took sea sick pills to ensure that I didn’t get sick and spent most of the day wanting to fall asleep.
This morning we went to a lecture about Warner Brothers during the war years and at the beginning of television. Tonight after dinner we are going to a RADA performance of two one-act plays. Should be good. After that, it’s a big band concert. I still haven’t swum. I intended to this morning but the wind was too bad. Perhaps tomorrow.
Today’s picture is of the waves. They were very impressive! Thanks to Emma for the info on the restaurant. An even greater thanks to GB for watering and feeding the plants.
Saturday June 30th
It's just gone 6:30 am and I've come up to the dining room to have a little something to eat, finish a book I was reading and post on the blog. Sorry that I didn't get to it yesterday but I was knocked out most of the day by the motion sickness pill. That's the last time I take one of those!
Last night Cliff and I had dinner again in the lovely restaurant where it's quiet and there are no stuffy table companions. Afterwards we went and saw two plays by Alan Acheborne. (I know I've spelled his name incorrectly! He wrote 'The Norman Conquests'. Do you remember Emma and Naomi, we saw the garden play from that trilogy at Foley's.
The only picture I have to add at the moment is of the seas yesterday, taken from the safety of inside on deck 2.
PS Cliff is eating his way across the Atlantic!
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