Friday, 4 May 2007

It's age, isn't it!

I've been focusing so hard on getting better and surviving the treatment that I've neglected the rest of my body. I went to the doctor today with a list of problems and concerns and we worked through it. My blood pressure is still high even on the pills. Now I have to buy a blood pressure taking machine (whatever that is called) and keep track of my blood pressure on a regular basis. I had my ears checked and oh no! I have ear wax build-up and have to have it sorted out but not for two weeks since one of the nurses is on holiday. Well, it's not life-threatening, is it! Finally, I may have two small patches of possible skin cancer. I'm to take some skin medication for two weeks and then go back and have it checked out. Why couldn't my body have given me a short vacation between problems. It's age, isn't it!

1 comment:

Mary Jane Murray said...

I've read these are symptoms experienced by people in their mid-thirties and that they disappear when exposed to ocean breezes and champagne bubbles. mj