Saturday, 25 November 2006

The I-Pod cometh!

I could never understand why anyone would want an MP3 player. Then I got sick and decided to learn Spanish using CD's. I wanted to be able to listen to them while I was having the chemo. I managed to get an I-pod through the school and suddening I understand exactly what the attraction is. I've just spent the afternoon downloading music and listening to it (not all of it). The sound quality is amazing. I think I'm hooked!

I'm doing a podcasting course at the moment, hoping to find ways to use the I-pod and podcasting in my language classes. If anyone is interested, the course I'm taking is at: However, I'm sure that the major attraction will remain the music and the sound! I even got Cliff listening to it. My technophobe husband was navigating through the menu with no difficulty. Funnily enough he is going to be doing a computer skills updating course at work on Monday. He has yet to figure out how to turn one on. Should be interesting.

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