Wednesday, 3 March 2021

What to call this post?

This has been the most difficult 6 months of my life.  I am sure that in the year of Covid, many people will be saying that.  Before February, I think that I would have said that 2014 had been the most difficult, the year my husband lay dying in St. Peter's hospital.  I'm still not sure how I managed to cope with that.  However, this year is a different 'difficult' because it has been challenging on so many fronts.  

First there was and still is the pandemic, which led to the lock down in the UK in late March, and which still lingers and threatens to be reimposed as cases start to climb again.  If it had just been that, it would have been challenging enough.  However, I also had my mother, who suffers from vascular dementia, to look after at her flat in Thetford, a small town in Norfolk, where I only knew two other people besides my mother.